The Gold Hope Project is a team of over 300 photographers (and growing), worldwide, that raise awareness of childhood cancers by offering their services to fighters and survivors and putting faces to facts.

The Gold Hope Project is a group of photographers that have come together to capture the moments that these families holds so dear to their heart. Some of us have been touched by the presence of cancer, and some have not, but we have all been given a gift that we would like to share.

Who is eligible?
Any child (infant – 21 years old) diagnosed with cancer of any form. No matter the prognosis the fight is still waged and we support you, this includes those that have won their battle with cancer.

How to apply:
Visit the website and fill out the application. You will be contacted soon to begin scheduling your fighter’s gold session.

Each fighter will receive a customized gold session yielding at least 10 complimentary digital images, and their story will be showcased on the site and fan page.

Denville, NJ Photographer Mountain Lakes, NJ Photographer

Morris County, New Jersey 973.462.5398